Re: Sealing / Staining Balconies

Subject: Re: Sealing / Staining Balconies
From: Derek Lane (
Date: Mon Jun 30 2008 - 15:12:53 CDT


July 10th works for me. I am having people over on that Sunday the 13th but I'm guessing I would be able to put everything back out there by then.

We can talk when it gets closer but lets put it on the books.


Jason Wolf <> wrote: Derek,

Weather permitting I am looking at having dates avaialble the evening of
July 10, 11 and days of July 12, 13.

Please tell me what works for you and we'll get it scheduled.



On 6/30/08, Derek Lane wrote:
> Jay
> I'll take you up on your offer? When can you come on by and stain & seal?
> Derek
> Jason Wolf wrote: Good afternoon.
> Now that the balcony project is complete it is probably a good idea for
> everyone to seal the new wood on their balcony to increase the longevity of
> the treated lumber that was used. It is not required that you do this, but
> it is suggested.
> In addition to protecting the wood, using a tinted sealer can have a great
> asthetic affect. (
> is always a good idea inform your neighbors below you ahead of
> time when you are doing this type of work so that they can cover their
> belonging to protect against drips and such.)
> If you have any questions regarding products or the process feel free to
> contact me. In addition if you wish to hire someone to complete the work I
> will be happy to lend my services for $25 / balcony. The product I use has
> a three year warranty and uses a cedar color tint.
> Please let me know if you have any questions.
> Jay

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