Subject: RE: Next Board/Owners meeting: July 2
From: Stankos, Brian (bstankos@CANNONDESIGN.COM)
Date: Tue Jul 01 2008 - 16:12:45 CDT
The goal is not to issue a special assessment for the roof repairs, or
any other project at Vanguard for that matter. We tripled the amount we
were contributing to reserves this year to take into account future roof
repairs, and that has helped our financial condition immensely.
The main issue is the urgency of the roof repairs and the associated
parapet. If repairs can be postponed as we build up more reserves
(which at this time looks possible, especially with the maintenance
contract we have in place) we can most likely achieve this project
without a special assessment.
We will review the roof at tomorrow's board meeting.
-----Original Message-----
[] On Behalf Of
Sent: Tuesday, July 01, 2008 3:22 PM
Subject: Re: Next Board/Owners meeting: July 2
I thought that these large, expenses, particularly those that should
have been anticipated (like a roof) were to be taken care of using
reserves. Isn't that the idea behind reserves?
I take it that a roof replacement has been discussed at past meetings.
Since I can't attend Weds nite things I have obviously missed this. Can
someone please fill me in on what has been discussed about the roof and
why it needs to be replaced so soon and why there is even.a hint of a
special assessment for this? Or can I expect all to be clear after
tomorrow's meeting?
------Original Message------
From: Jim Thomas
Sent: Jul 1, 2008 12:23 PM
Subject: RE: Next Board/Owners meeting: July 2
> jim, I'm under contract to sell my condo and have been asked by the
buyer if we currently have plans to replace the roof, and if so, if
there is monies budgeted for it or if there will be a special
assessment. my timely response would be very advantageous to me. thanks
in advance for any help you might be able to provide.
This will come up at the meeting tomorrow night (Weds, July 2), Jeremy.
We'll know more later.
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