Re: Bike Registration!

Subject: Re: Bike Registration!
From: Jim Thomas (
Date: Mon Jul 14 2008 - 14:58:19 CDT

> Are the spots outside assigned to someone or are they available for
> anyone w/ a registered bike who doesn't want to bring it in
> sometimes?

If your bike has a sticker and is registered, your fine. But, to park
out there, it must be stickered.
> The Board has been threatening to move bikes for almost 5 years.  Are
> they really going to do it this time?

The Board pushed people to get registered earlier this year. We figure
that people have had lots of time. Some bikes on the racks are not
only unstickered/unregistered, but they obviously haven't been
ridden for some time, judging by the flat tires that have remained flat
for many months.

The bikes taken down will be given to Good Will or some other charity.


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