Subject: Re: Big Skyz Internet question
From: rodseven (
Date: Thu Jul 31 2008 - 17:46:45 CDT
Thank you Jim.
When the Board works out a new agreement with DISH, can we ensure the new subcontractor charges the same rates as DISH for receivers/DVRs? Roddy's rates always seemed higher and for older models.
Thank you.
--- On Thu, 7/31/08, Jim Thomas <> wrote:
From: Jim Thomas <>
Subject: Re: Big Skyz Internet question
Date: Thursday, July 31, 2008, 2:36 PM
> is our contract cancelled for satellite as well??? does that mean we
> can get comcast now if we want to? or talk to usa dish about dvr or
> updated equipment?
Last Friday, Chris sent out an explanation. A summary of his post:
--We cancelled the contract with USA Dish (Roddy). This includes
Big Skyz (Internet) as well. Roddy has no access to the building.
As long as the Big Skyz equipment still functions, the few who still
have it will continue to have Internet access. However, if the service
is disrupted for some reason, there will be no service.
--Because we cancelled the contract with Roddy/USA Dish, he is out of
the picture for upgrading, for service, or for anything else.
--Dish Network is separate from USA Dish - Roddy/USA Dish had a contract
to provide Dish equipment and service for it to the building.
--Chris explained in his Friday email to the list that the Dish Network
attorneys had to review the cancellation. By contract, Dish Network had
60 days to respond.
--We just heard from Dish Network yesterday. They obviously want to
keep customers. Our building is considered a "prime building," which
means there are lots of subscribers who pay their bills. We generate
revenue for them. They want to send out technicians as soon as possible
to assess the equipment. They will conduct an on-site inspection of the
building in the week of August 10 with Chris present. The inspection
will allow them to see that the satellites are in working order and the
wiring is up-to-date. Then, they will turn the building over to another
company to service the building.
--Yes, we can bring in Comcast or AT&T's U-Verse (when available).
Comcast has been out to inspect the building. There are some technical
issues to be resolved before they come in, and best case, it would be,
they tell us, 45-90 days before service could be delivered if we had
Something to remember: It seems that most owners are satisfied with
Dish Network's programming, so it might not be economically viable for
Comcast to come in. We won't know about U-Verse until it's delivered
to our area.
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