Re: There is a vehicle from out of town.

Subject: Re: There is a vehicle from out of town.
From: Jim Thomas (
Date: Wed Aug 13 2008 - 17:47:29 CDT

On Wed, 13 Aug 2008, wrote:

> Michigan plates. I have called the office to clear it and gave them
> the plate number. Now there is a warning sticker on the vehicle.
> This is a guest parking spot and it is for a guest. Who placed final
> notice tow sign on the car? And why was it placed on the car? Do not
> tow this vehicle. I have contacted First Properties. Who else needs to
> be contacted?

A warning sticker is a courtesy given before a violation notice or
a towing comes. Generally, most people prefer a low-key notice rather
than more direct action.

The Board wasn't notified by 1P of this particular visit. We continue
to urge people to inform the Board of long-term guest parking (24 hours
or more). That way, there is a paper trail, it reduces the possibility
of miss-communication, and you get an e-mail in confirmation. Although
out-of-state guests can use guest parking for a few days, if guests
park longer, the hosts should rent one of the Association's spaces for
a week or more (at a reasonable cost).

I don't know who put the sign on the car, but I do know there were
several complaints that resulted in the Board looking into it.

The general rule of thumb (consistent with Association rules) on guest

--24 hours is fine (but not in/out privileges over a period of several
--Over 24 hours, contact the Board directly (easier, saves potential
--Over 72 hours, consider renting a space in the back lot by the week

Hope this helps clarify things a bit.


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