From: Robin Raffel (
Date: Fri Sep 19 2008 - 08:54:35 CDT
HI to everyone...
sorry to bug everyone...but I live on the 7th floor, 713, and there has been this horrible chirrping noise coming from what I think is 704 for the past 2 days.
I thought it was coming from my unit and have taken everything apart in my place and it not coming from my place at. Last night in the middle of the night and this morning I followed the noise and I think I can finally pinpoint it to 704. I am not sure if someone is living there or what.
I called Donna this morning but of course she is out today and wont be back until monday. i can not take 1 more night of laying in bed and listening to it. 2 nights is enough for me.
so, if chris or Jim can go up there and see if they can figure it out or call who ever lives in 704 that would really make my day and ever more make my night tonight.
thanks so much.
robin 713
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