Subject: Comments on Dish/Echostar status (long)
From: Jim Thomas (
Date: Mon Sep 22 2008 - 22:21:26 CDT
Comments to Meghan and owners (in my role as sec'y of the Board):
Meghan, I'm cc'ing this to the Vanguard owners list (among whom have
come requests for updates) and to Diana Herr and Sott Lindgren at
You raised some issues in your post to the Vanguard list. The core
issue was how long to reasonable people have to wait and how can you
get reliable information about the status of things. Good questions.
My response here reflects my information that I receie as a Board
member, but my tone reflects that of a unit owner. Here goes:
1) The information we have comes from Diana and Scott, passed on to and
through them by Dish/Echostar legal counsel. Their information,
consistent with the information we're receiving from the First
Properties attorney, is that there are minor legal issues to be resolved
that are in Dish/Echostar's favor. Minor points, none a deal-breaker,
but frustrating nonetheless.
2) In fairness to Diana and Scott, they (like the Board) are in the
middle. They, like we, are waiting for the attorneys to work things
out. They can't act until the contract is signed.
3) Also in fairness to Diana and Scott, they likely get frustrated
because of owners' continued requests to them for information and
service. So, on this, I would cut them some slack and be patient.
However, as an owner, I must violate my own prescriptive advice in #3
as an owner:
Comments to Diana and Scott - Dish/Echostar (as owner, not Board member)
1) Diana and Scott, we all recognize that you face legal restraints
in what you can do. However, this continues to be handled poorly by
Dish/Echostar. My understanding of the legal issues is that they are
rather minor. While you may have no influence over the intransigence
of your legal counsel, you might do what you can to let the legal
side know that it's reflecting poorly on the marketing side.
2) While you, Diana and Scott, have consistently demonstrated good faith
with the Board, and while we recognize the constraints you face in
providing service: As I have repeatedly emphasized in our meeting with
Scott and in e-mail, our problem with Roddy Glenn was procrastination,
lack of service, lack of communication, delays, and escalating ill-will.
I will repeat what I have told you in the past: While *you* may mean
well, our owners are getting "more of the same" - no service. You have
indicated that you want to earn back the good will of the 100 owners in
Vanguard Lofts. Sadly, Dish/Echostar is doing the opposite.
3) You are losing customers as people are moving to individual contracts
with other providers. The longer this takes, the more you lose. Further,
there are some, including me, who are hesitant to upgrade our Dish
services because of concerns about Dish/Echostar customer service.
We need some demonstration of good will. So far, there has been
nothing tangible.
4) If Dish/Echostar's policy precludes cutting slack because of no
contract for potential new customers who want service, it suggests
a rigidity that doesn't reflect well on your organization.
5) While the current snafus may be beyond your control, the bottom line
remains: You both represent the face of Dish/Echostar, and at the
moment, that face is not one that people trust.
The bottom line: Owners are growing tired of hearing the Board's
continued excuses for the delays. If Dish/Echostar is serious about
earning back the good will of owners, and if it's serious about
demonstrating good faith in responding to customers, it will cut
the same slack we have been cutting you for the last few years under
Roddy Glenn and immediately address the service issues of those who want
to subscribe to Dish satellite.
We assume that you will be generous in providing discounts and other
amenities to those who continue to be patient with your delays.
Jim Thomas
Jim Thomas
NIU Distinguished Teaching Professor (emeritus)
Department of Sociology, Northern Illinois University
Adjunct Professor, Criminal Justice, University of Illinois/Chicago /
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