Re: Dish, Comcast, and such

Subject: Re: Dish, Comcast, and such
Date: Tue Sep 23 2008 - 09:42:00 CDT


We have suffered through 8 years of terrible customer service from Roddy
Glenn and his company USA Dish. We have finally broken free of the
contract and we are working hard to close the deal on a new contract with
Dish Networks. I understand that it has been "extremely" painful not
having service and I promise everyone the board is doing everything to
facilitate a speedy execution of the new contract.

As Jim has stated many times in the past, we are in contract negotiations
with Dish Networks. The attorney for the Vanguard Lofts Condo Association
is doing everything in his power to negotiate a contract where the
association has rights. This means service level agreements, termination
clauses, building access rights, technology upgrades, etc. We are in the
third round of revisions. At this point we are down to the last few items
before we have a final agreement and sign the contract. Remember... we
are trying to protect ourselves so we don't get burned again.

Please do not take your frustrations out on Dish Networks, First
Properties, or Vanguard Lofts. Everyone is waiting on the legal
departments to sort out the details so we can move forward and upgrade the
building. It has taken a bit longer than originally planned, but it is
for the good of the Vanguard Lofts Condo Association and all home owners.

I know this is easier said than done, but... please be patient. We have
not forgotten about anyone. We are not ignoring anyone. We are not
dragging our feet. I am in "daily" contact with our attorney so we can
close the deal as soon as possible. Unfortunately, the legal process is

Dish Networks is ready to move in and upgrade the building. The plan is
to put in all new infrastructure so everyone will have the option of HD
satellite service, along with HD satellite receivers and DVR units. All
the latest Dish Network equipment will be fully supported and available to
everyone. Once we sign the contract things should move rather quickly...
but we're still waiting on the final contract.

I do not have a date as to when the new contract will be signed, so I
cannot provide any specifics. I will say that we are getting very
close... it has been a long process and I've been involved every step of
the way. I will update everyone the moment we have a new contract in

- Chris

Christian A. Lattimer
J.P. Morgan Chase & Co. - It Architect & Consulting
131 South Dearborn, Floor 5-636
Chicago, IL 60603

Phone: 312-407-1333
Pager: 877-412-7720

"Meghan Kennedy" <>
Sent by:
09/22/2008 09:08 PM
Please respond to


Re: Dish, Comcast, and such

Hey Jim,

I finally had an actual conversation with Diana this week (I think I took
her by surprise by answering the phone, I think she was expecting to leave
message again) in an effort to try and figure out what's going on as my
patience is now beginning to wear very thin (I apologize, I know that this
is not in your control and I appreciate all of your help thus far). It
been 3 long months and I'm starting to get incredibly antsy, especially as
new shows are starting this week and the cubs have now secured a place in
the playoffs.

I spoke with Diana and she was of little to no help and actually almost
rude. She told me that the contract is in the legal department and that
this isn't really her issue since it isn't a marketing issue so I
be calling her but then she wouldn't give me anyone else to contact. She
told me she couldn't tell me anything other than it is in negotiations due
to legal liabilty, which I can understand to an extent but still, some
of an update would be nice. I also asked her if they were planning on
compensation as this length of time to wait is becoming ridiculous and she
said that she hadn't heard anything about compensation. she said maybe
again she didn't want to be held liable for anything. So now I'm just as
frustrated as before.

I know that it was in another round of negotiations last week and it
like its drawing to a close but do you know whether it will be October?
November? beyond? I'm just trying to figure it out as she advised that I
buy one of those digital converter boxes since it could still be "quite
awhile" and I don't want to buy something and then find out satellite is
available the next day. Otherwise, the 2 units next to me have Direct tv
satelites affixed to the balcony railings. I was under the impression
that was illegal but if that is okay as I've seen a few on the south side
the building with those, then I may just go with them as I don't know how
much longer I can continue to be patient.

I apologize again for continuing to hound you for information but I've
trying to go through echostar on my own and unfortunately getting nowhere
which just adds to the growing frustration. If you can clear some of this
up for me, I'd greatly appreciate it. I hope that you had a great weekend
and were able to enjoy the nice weather. Talk to you soon.


On Mon, Sep 22, 2008 at 1:15 PM, Jim Thomas <> wrote:

> > this is brenda in#211, I have been getting calls from comcast to
> > switch over to them. can someone update me on the status of her
> > deal with Dish. I have dish for programming, are we, as a building
> > switching to comcast? please advise
> Dish will remain our provider. Although we have been working with
> Comcast as a possible replacement in recent months and have had them
> out to the building to examine the cable infrastructure, and although
> some of us prefer Comcast to other providers, we will remain with
> Dish for several reasons: 1) There are some problems with delivering
> the cable signal to the building that could result in an expense to
> the Association and result in delays; 2) It could take up to three
> months or longer for Comcast (or any other replacement provider)
> to bring the building up to current standards, and if anything went out
> with the Dish sattelites, we'd be hosed because Dish wouldn't provide
> service if we're not under contract with them; 3) Subscribers would
> need Comcast receivers for the services in their unit, which they would
> have to re-purchase/lease; 4) Many people like Dish.
> The current status: Dish (as would any other provider) requires a
> contract to service the sattelite equipment or to provide new
> subscribers or services. Currently, the First Properties attorney and
> Dish/Echostar have been going back/forth and negotiating the details
> of the contract. This has taken over a month of attempting to resolve
> issues, and as of Friday, the attorneys have resolved most of the
> issues. We're told that there are only a couple of details to work out,
> on which both sides feel strongly. These seem to be legal details, not
> details of service provision. We're hoping that this will be resolved
> very, very soon.
> Some people have been waiting patiently and with good grace for service
> or upgrades. If you 're one of these people, when the contract is
> signed, Dish will *immediately* provide service and take new orders.
> They will also upgrade the existing infrastructure at their expense
> and seamlessly so viewers won't experience any disruption. They
> will also be responsible for service issues, rather than sub-contracting
> (as they did to Roddy) and have set up a system for multiple contacts
> for service issues that we will provide after the contract is signed.
> If you're one of the people who's been waiting for service and
> frustrated at the delay, when the contract is signed and you call
> Dish for service or upgrades, politely inform them of how long you've
> been waiting and ask if they could give some kind of break on initial
> costs as a reward for your patience.
> Jim

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