Re: Crime Alert

Subject: Re: Crime Alert
Date: Tue Sep 23 2008 - 13:40:06 CDT

This was a regular occurence (a couple of times a week) a while back. To the usual "Don't leave anything of value in your car, especially visible" advice, I would add that you leave your car unlocked. My theory is that, if they want something out of my car (and again if they can't see anything of value they will probably go on to another car), I would rather they open the door and take it and save me the hassle and expense of repairing a broken window, or in the case of a convertible, a slit top. I had to replace both before I got smart about leaving the car unlocked. Of course, I also have a car that has a radio that is difficult to remove and is known to not work in any car but the original so I don't worry about them going for my radio even tho they see nothing of value. And I always check real carefully before getting into my car to make sure no one has gotten in to take a nap (also happened to me. The cops caught him sleeping in the back seat). These are, unfortunately, the hazards of big city living.

Mary (614)
------Original Message------
From: Long, Rebecca Lynn
Sent: Sep 23, 2008 1:09 PM
Subject: Crime Alert

Hi everyone,
  Sorry to add to all the recent emails, but I thought this was important
enough to pass on to everyone, especially anyone who parks their cars on
the street....My boyfriend's car was parked on Van Buren near Throop
this past Sunday night. Sometime between 7 pm Sunday evening and 7 am
Monday morning, someone broke into his car. Anything and everything of
value in the car not nailed down was stolen. There were at least 5
other cars on the street that also had broken windows (driver's side
backseat window), so I can only assume property was stolen from them as
well. Not a welcome or pleasant Monday morning discovery...

Just wanted to let everyone know so we can be more alert. Because it
looks like they got away with this, I don't see any reason why something
like this wouldn't happen again, so make sure you're not leaving anything
valuable in your car.....

Unit #704

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