I-Go Cars is a Go!

Subject: I-Go Cars is a Go!
From: Stankos, Brian (bstankos@CANNONDESIGN.COM)
Date: Wed Sep 24 2008 - 11:20:29 CDT

 =0A= =0A= =0A= =0A= =0A= =0A= =0A= =0A= =0A= =0A= =0A=

As presented in the last = board meeting, I-Go Cars has agreed to lease the
association = owned parking spaces in our remote parking lot, and will be
placing = a car there beginning this week. They have agreed to = lease one
space now, and will lease the second space starting next = year. This
agreement is for a minimum of two years, = and will net the association up
to$2,400 annually. = These funds will be placed into our reserve funds to
cover future = building repairs, and a portion will be used for our = annual
party. =0A=


Also, I-Go has agreed to = offer discounted memberships to all residents of
Vanguard = Lofts. Information on this program will be presented = at an
upcoming resident party. We'll pass along info on the = party when plans
havebeen = developed. =0A=



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