Vanguard Lofts - 2008 Parkway Project Update

Subject: Vanguard Lofts - 2008 Parkway Project Update
Date: Thu Sep 25 2008 - 10:53:39 CDT


I just spoke with the contractor for the 2008 Parkway Project. Concrete
is scheduled for this Friday/Saturday. The contractor is currently
working on a project in Schaumburg and is in the process of finishing a
job. Vanguard Lofts is next on the job list and work will soon begin

We have been asked to try and not park any vehicles along Van Buren and
Throop next to the building. The contractor will be putting up orange
cones to keep the streets open and allow access for the concrete trucks.
Please make an effort to keep these street parking spaces open. Inform
your tenants and neighbors if you know of someone parking on the street
around the building. Clear streets will make it easier for the crews to
perform their work and finish the parkways in a timely manner.

Thank you for your cooperation.

- Chris

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