Subject: RE: Ordeal Over!! Dish Delivers!!
From: david parker (
Date: Tue Oct 14 2008 - 11:37:56 CDT
I have another question which may apply to some other residents as well. Our unit, #514, has what we have been told is "crushed or blocked conduit" which means that some of the cable jacks in our unit do not function. We have been told that this was due to a variety of factors (conduit of insufficient size/strength was used, improper installation which might have clogged or crushed the conduit, etc.). Is this something that can be addressed during the new wiring?> Date: Mon, 13 Oct 2008 12:44:35 -0500> From:> To:> Subject: Ordeal Over!! Dish Delivers!!> > Here's the email I received from Dish this morning. We can start > ordering service and upgrades on Wednesday, and we'll receive some> discounts because of the delay. Dish will be on-cite Thursday and> Friday in the read lobby to answer questions.> > They appear to be trying to make an extra effort to try to make up for> the delays.> > Jim> > > ---------- Forwarded message ----------> Date: Mon, 13 Oct 2
008 09:36:05 -0600> From: "Herr, Diana" <>> To: Jim Thomas <>> Cc: "Lindgren, Scott" <>,> "Herr, Diana" <>> Subject: Dish Network Timeline> > Hello Jim,> > I have great news! All of our wiring will be up and running by Friday> morning. Please see the attached letter that I will be passing out to> residents today. Our timeline is as follows:> > Wednesday- Residents may begin call 800 number to set up installation> appointments> > Thursday- Scott and I will be at the rear entrance to talk to residents> and provide more info. on our services> > Friday- Scott and I will be at the rear entrance again. Technicians> will begin onsite installs> > Saturday/Sunday- Techs will be onsite all day for installs> > Monday- Scott and I will be at the rear entrance again. Techs will> finish up onsite installs.> > I will be coming by again on Wednesday to bring a reminder notice to all> residents.> > Please let me know if you have any
questions.> > Thanks,> Diana Herr> Echostar Satellite LLC> Client Promotions Executive- Midwest> 2100 W Golf Rd., Suite 190> Rolling Meadows, IL 60008> Phone: 847-734-4110> > > > -- Binary/unsupported file stripped by Listar --> -- Type: APPLICATION/MSWORD> -- File: Vanguard Intro Letter Oct 13th.doc> -- Desc: Vanguard Intro Letter Oct 13th.doc> > >
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