Tip for Contacting Dish Customer Service

Subject: Tip for Contacting Dish Customer Service
From: Jim Thomas (jthomas@math.niu.edu)
Date: Wed Oct 15 2008 - 12:10:58 CDT

We've had a few complaints of run-arounds when calling Dish. I had
a bizarre 45 minutes as well, because once stuck in a loop of
holds-and-transfers, it's hard to get out.

The basics: Call[
(Don't call the 0943 number listed lower in the letter - that's a typo
and you get naval intelligence, or something).

Then, punch the option for: commercial accounts
(if you get somebody else, or hit the wrong button, best to hang up
and re-dial rather than risk having a humanoid transfer you)

Assuming you call from the number listed on your account, your info
will pop up, along with the address of the building. They had the
details and knew the backstory. When I finally got through to the right
person, it took just a minute or two.


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