Re: dish

Subject: Re: dish
From: Jason Wolf (
Date: Thu Oct 16 2008 - 10:24:13 CDT


Since Dish is going to be on site the next couple of days, I would recommend
working with then to resolve the issues with regard to the boxes.

I know everyone is eager to get things moving forward, but through my
experience I have found that in large companies the right hand does not talk
to the left. As a result you may have reached a service line that does not
have access to your full account...or it may not have been updated given our
new account and negotiated benefits.

 The BEST advice at this point is to work within the group who is assigned
to help us and who will be visitng the building. They have the updated
information, are aware of the Board contract and converastions. The service
lines simply do what a computer tells them to...they probably don't have
much or any visibility into recent developments. They only see what a data
entry person puts in. And having been in Corporate America for over 12
years...there is usually a 2 day to 6 week lag on the customer service side.

Believe me I agree in pricipal that you should be able to get the same
answer whether you call the number or if you talk to the people who will be
in the building, but that unfortunately is not always the reality, whether
you are dealing with Direct TV, COMCAST, ATT, COX or any large Telecom
provider, believe me...I have dealth with them all as a consumer and on a
business to business level.

As a board member who is not directly involved in the Dish relationship, I
see the e-mails and have a folder of literally 100+ e-mails that Chris and
Jim have sent to get things accoomplished and assure you what you have seen
reported is the truth, it just stinks that, as I said above the other layers
are not up to speed.

You have all been patient, and the wheels are in motion...let me know if I
can be of any personal assitance or if you want to talk with me personally I
am reachable at 312.780.5766.



On Thu, Oct 16, 2008 at 9:09 AM, Robin Raffel <> wrote:

> okay...the dish problems do not end...
> i called yesterday to order my new boxes..i talked to lucy at the 1800 # .
> She told me that i had to pay for my 2 new boxes, although I did not think
> that we had to.
> So i gave her my credit card over the phone yesterday.
> we scheduled an appt. for the technician for tomorrow, friday, oct. 17.
> everything seemed to be going fine.
> then this morning i woke up and there was no service at all coming from
> either one of my tvs.
> i called dish this morning and spoke to 5 different people that had no
> ideas as to why i had suspended service.
> they kept pointing their fingers but no one could give me an answer. I am
> getting really frustrated and pissed.
> I left diana herr a message and an email this morning.
> do you have any other ideas as to what to do so i can have service tonight?
> robin raffel 713

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