Lobby Renovation

Subject: Lobby Renovation
From: Stankos, Brian (bstankos@CANNONDESIGN.COM)
Date: Tue Oct 28 2008 - 18:10:47 CST



The tile is done, the walls are next! Wood trim in the lobby will be
installed tomorrow, and painting will occur Thursday through Monday.
The lobby will be open in off hours, but please use the rear entrance
during the hours of 8am to 5pm until work is completed.


The exterior lights are on their way from China (everything's made over
there!) and should arrive in 2-3 weeks.


As always, thanks for your cooperation and tolerance of the dust.


Brian Stankos, AIA, NCARB, LEED AP, CDT

Senior Associate

Cannon Design

30 W. Monroe, Suite 900

Chicago, IL 60603

P: 312-346-2270

F: 312-346-2271


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