Subject: paid assessment letter fee
From: chris clare (
Date: Mon Dec 01 2008 - 19:17:53 CST
Hi Donna,
I am moving (getting married and bought a townhome) from #411 this month. I asked for a paid assessment letter that is needed to close. I understand you use to facilitate this, so it is easier for First Properties.
I figured there would be a "nominal" fee to get this, to cover preparations of this letter that I know you must have a template of. What had my heart in my throat was the "nominal" fee is $159!!! I called Barb and she was quite short with the answer when I asked why it is so much-she said it is what it is and other places would charge more!! I have dozens of friends using a variety of condo assn's and some that don't have any-NONE come even CLOSE to this fee!!
I would like an EXACT breakdown of what First properties feels is deserving of $125 (another $29 is for condocerts-which FIRST PROPERTIES should pay-since it eases your burden, not mine!!!) BTW-the $29 is outragous to me for this letter-so you have an idea of what I think of this fee.
Barb also said she needs a buyers contract from me, well, I need $159 to "prepare" this contract for First Properties.
Please let me know your thoughts on this and the actual cost breakdown of the fee.
Thank you.
Chris Clare
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