Summary of Owners meeting, Dec 15

Subject: Summary of Owners meeting, Dec 15
From: Jim Thomas (
Date: Tue Dec 16 2008 - 18:51:33 CST

Thanks to those who showed up at the Owners meeting last night.

This is brief summary of the key points of the meeting. An unoffial
version of the minutes will be placed on the Vanguard homepage soon.

I. Meeting called to order by Chris Lattimer (president)

V. New Business

    A. Motorcycle parking rule: Action deferred until 2009.

    B. Budget: After brief discussion, the budget, as sent to the
                owners, was approved


I. Election of Board members: Chris Lattimer, Bryan Stankos and Jim Thomas
were re-elected

II. Election of Board officers:
        Chris Lattimer: President
        Brian Stankos: Treasurer
        Jim Thomas: Secretary

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