Re: 7th Floor Garbage Area

Subject: Re: 7th Floor Garbage Area
From: Jim Thomas (
Date: Sat Dec 20 2008 - 13:00:28 CST

> There is a plate of chinese food that didn't make it in the garbage shoot on the 7th floor with its contents all over the floor. This is extremely disguisting and would appreciate if the culprit please clean it up. We all need to respect and keep the common areas our building clean.

Allison (and others) - as gross as these things are, if you can get a
picture of it and send it to me, especially if there is an identifier
on it or some other way to track down the culprit, we can try to follow
up. Food might be hard to trace (unless we can find a delivery on the
security cameras that matches the food), but some of the recent
larger items had addresses/names on the trash.

Thanks for keeping and eye on this.


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