Subject: Re: Name on buzzer
From: Jim Thomas (
Date: Sun Dec 28 2008 - 16:57:14 CST
> Can someone tell me how you get your name on the outdoor buzzer? We're renting from the owner of unit 515 and prior to us moving in she confirmed whether I wanted my name available. I do but I do not know how to make that happen.
As Jay indicated, contacting First Properties is the first step. Email
works best, because it's quicker and much more efficient than voice
mail. I've cc'd Donna Lewicki, or property meistro, so you can save her
email address for the future -
> I apologize for sending this through the mass distribution list but I
> do not know who to contact. Any guidance would be appreciated.
No need to apologize - your question is exactly what the list is for.
Jim Thomas
NIU Distinguished Teaching Professor (emeritus)
Department of Sociology, Northern Illinois University
Adjunct Professor, Criminal Justice, University of Illinois/Chicago /
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