Re: Roof

Subject: Re: Roof
Date: Mon Dec 29 2008 - 09:38:28 CST

I agree totally. I too live on the 7th floor and am so sick of dealing with t in my apartment and by the back elevator. I bring this up every time, we on the 7th floor pay more assessments than everyone else and suffer the most.

Robin 713
------Original Message------
From: Allison Prybylo
Sent: Dec 29, 2008 9:36 AM
Subject: Roof

I know we briefly covered this in the annual meeting but I was wondering if someone can clarify again why are we waiting until 2010 to fix the roof.
Over the holidays the roof was leaking in my place again as well as in the common back elevator area. I know that many others on the 7th floor deal with the leaking roof as well whenever it rains or snows. So why are we waiting until 2010 to fix a problem this is probably causing more damage to our building? And why are we spending $10,000K on a architecture to draw up the plans? Isn't this the job of the roofing companies to come give us estimates and their proposals?

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