Re: Roof

Subject: Re: Roof
From: Jim Thomas (
Date: Mon Dec 29 2008 - 11:19:27 CST

On Mon, 29 Dec 2008, wrote:

> Thanks. I agree with that too. Although the new lobby looks great, it
> would have been a better use of our money to fix the roof which has
> been a problem since I have lived there. (5 years).

Renovations and other expenditures are planned and budgeted at least a
year (or longer) prior to implementation. Those expenses are a
relatively small portion of the budget and would have little impact
on timing of the new roof. Also, while rennovations might seem like
little more than beautification, they are actually part of maintaining
the building and keeping the infrastructure sound, so they are not
simply cosmetic. Investing in lighting, security, and the parkway now
saves money (and hassles) down the road. The trick is to try to balance
the maintenance and upkeep of all areas of the building.

As a bit of loft history: The co-developer of the loft was Tony Rezko,
currently in federal prison. Much of the work was shoddy, non-union
labor, and lower quality material that, while up to city code, was
generally not high-quality. The roof was considered one example.


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