Subject: RE: Roof
From: Allison Prybylo (
Date: Mon Dec 29 2008 - 18:11:39 CST
Tom-Thanks for that.....Its good to know that we have people here who will be overlooking the project.
I understand that we are concerned about our reserve amount so why haven't we discussed or proposed a special assessement for the roof instead of raising our monthly assessments? The units on the 7th floor are being damaged due to the roof and no one seems to care. I also know when people go to sell thier condos due to the higher monthly assessment the value will be affected. Our building has a lot higher assessments than most buildings in the west loop area and we don't even have a doorman, exercise room, etc.
> Date: Mon, 29 Dec 2008 12:52:22 -0600> From:> To:> Subject: Re: Roof> > All:> > The roof replacement SHOULD take care of 99% of the debris/dust falling from the ceiling. I have had a number of discussions with a lot of roofing contractors about this, and all have indicated that a thorough vacuuming of the roof deck once the existing roof system is removed should eliminate the problem. This is not something that is typically done on a roof replacement job, so it is not something that was necessarily done wrong by the previous contractor, but it is a headache, to say the least.> > For those of you that don't know me, I am an architect, and also a 7th floor resident (709), so this issue is very near and dear to me in many respects. I have been specializing in roofing and building envelope issues with my company for the last 18 years, and I have offered my services to the board to review drawings, work in progress, etc. Board member Brian Stankos is also an arc
hitect, and I know the roof issue is a big concern of his, as well as the rest of the board's. Brian and I have had several discussions on things, such as the vacuuming of the deck, increased insulation, etc., that must be incorporated into the project to ensure we (the association) are protecting our mutual investment, as well as eliminating many of the headaches for the 7th floor residents.> > > > Thomas Kikta, AIA> LEGATARCHITECTS> > 651 W. Washington Blvd., Suite One> Chicago, Illinois 60661> Direct: 312.756.1250> Cell: 312.498.1471> E-Mail:> > Sustainability - Performance - Design> > > >>> <> 12/29/2008 12:11 PM >>>> > While the roof. replacement will (hopefully) solve the water issue, I doubt if the dust coming down will stop.. The timber ceilings on ALL floors evidently have a lot of crap stuck in the crevices. When the owners above me replaced their carpets I had a layer of debris over everything that was loosened by the vibrations caused by the work. Recently som
eone dropped something heavy above me and small stones rained down. Often things simply fall from the ceiling for no apparent reason. I am constantly sweeping up small stones. So, while 7th floor residents can count on the new roof stopping water leaks, they will never be free from dust, etc. as long as there is traffic or other vibrations (like fron AC units) on the roof. The stuff is coming from the ceilings. Don't know what the solution to this problem is.> Sent via BlackBerry by AT&T> > -----Original Message-----> From: > > Date: Mon, 29 Dec 2008 17:39:30 > To: <>> Cc: <>> Subject: Re: Roof> > > > I'm in #702. Mine was pretty bad this time too. The water somehow got past my attempts to stop it and some made it through to my neighbor in the unit below mine. If I had not been home the damage to my unit and the one below could have been much worse. I think we are all at risk for serious damage while we live with this conditio
n. > > I do appreciate the efforts of the board and Donna. While not much could be done they were responsive. Thank you Jim for answering email even when on vacation. > > I understand there are many issues involved and the board is doing its best. I would, however, like to see this problem solved as soon as feasible for all of our peace of mind and the protection of our property.> > Ron> > > ------Original Message------> From: > Sender: > To: > Cc: > ReplyTo: > Subject: Re: Roof> Sent: Dec 29, 2008 9:38 AM> > > I agree totally. I too live on the 7th floor and am so sick of dealing with t in my apartment and by the back elevator. I bring this up every time, we on the 7th floor pay more assessments than everyone else and suffer the most.> > Robin 713> ------Original Message------> From: Allison Prybylo> Sender: > To: > Cc: > ReplyTo: > Sent: Dec 29, 2008 9:36 AM> Subject: Roof> > > I know we briefly covered this in the annual meeting but I was wondering if someone can clarify again why are we waiting until 2010 to fix the roof. > > Over the holidays the roof was leaking in my place again as well as in the common back elevator area. I know that many others on the 7th floor deal with the leaking roof as well whenever it rains or snows. So why are we waiting until 2010 to fix a problem this is probably causing more damage to our building? And why are we spending $10,000K on a architecture to draw up the plans? Isn't this the job of the roofing companies to come give us estimates and their proposals?> > > > > Sent via BlackBerry by AT&T> > > > > Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry> > > > > >
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