Re: Suggestions for Vanguard landlords

Subject: Re: Suggestions for Vanguard landlords
From: Shiju Elakkatt (
Date: Sun Jan 31 2010 - 20:24:38 CST


I think those are great suggestions and easily implemented. Thanks!


On Sun, Jan 31, 2010 at 4:51 PM, Jim Thomas <> wrote:

> Given the number of issues with landlords/renters in the past year,
> owners who rent out their unit might consider the following:
> 1) Many leases that I've read do not include a provision requiring
> renters to reimburse the owners for fines resulting from rules
> violations. Given the increased number of absentee owners and
> corresponding problems, the Board's philosophy of friendly warnings for
> the same problems that keep happening is diminishing.
> 2) Obtain a signed assurance that you have explained key rules to
> tenants, including parking, noise, smoking, bike/dog registration and
> rules (including no dogs/bikes in front lobby)
> 3) Get your tenants on the Vanguard discussion list and/or send the
> Board their email address. It saves everybody time and grief if we can
> communicate directly.
> Those three items would make everybody's life a bit smoother.
> Jim

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