Re: hot water?

Subject: Re: hot water?
From: Donald Knight (
Date: Tue Feb 09 2010 - 11:31:31 CST

I am waiting on an update.  1P called me indicating the plumbers were onsite working in the pump room. However no one is in the pump room working or they are working in the dark and very quietly. So they are checking because they indicated to me that they had not finished.   I will periodically check unless 1P calls. If they need access to the building or where the room is I can show them but I would suspect since we don't have access to that room anymore they would have access to the building as well as that room.
And how can I change the email address that is used on this listserv?


--- On Tue, 2/9/10, Donald Knight <> wrote:

From: Donald Knight <>
Subject: hot water?
Date: Tuesday, February 9, 2010, 10:42 AM

Does anyone else not have hot water? Perhaps other 2nd floor units or other 09 units if not everyone else?
Unit #209

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