Subject: RE: hot water?
From: Christian A Lattimer (
Date: Tue Feb 16 2010 - 13:46:32 CST
To follow up on Jim's email...
1. First Properties does not participate in the Vanguard Lofts email discussion list-serv. This forum is not moderated and therefore not an "official" line of communication. First Properties sends out emails to owners or residents of Vanguard Lofts based upon the information provided to them on the Master Owner Information Sheets and/or Rental Agreements. If you are on this email distribution list but did not receive the information directly from First Properties, it is your responsibility to contact Donna at First Properties and have your email address added to their distribution list.
2. All owners are responsible for informing their tenants of building activities. If an owner receives communication from First Properties, the owner should forward the information to their tenant.
3. All communications from First Properties related to building activities that impact residents are posted on the bulletin boards in the mail room and in the rear elevator lobby. It is your responsibility to take time and read the posted information.
The information bulletins for the water shut off today were posted on 2/10/2010 and have been available for everyone to read.
-----Original Message-----
From: [] On Behalf Of Jim Thomas
Sent: Tuesday, February 16, 2010 12:25 PM
Subject: Re: hot water?
On Tue, 16 Feb 2010, Atkins Martin wrote:
> well how does one make sure that they are on the email list for these
> "emails" because i recieved no email notification about this. I enter
> through the rear of the building everyday and saw nothing posted on
> the bulletin board. Who would i need to contact to make sure that i
> receive vital information such as this because this comes as a major
> inconvenience when you have no clue about them
Martin raises a good question. If you're on the Vanguard email list
(this one), then you should be receiving all notifications that any of
us (residents, renters, the Board) sends out. But, I think First
Properties sends it only to owners, not renters. We (the Board) tries to
make sure that 1P posts like that are duplicated to this Vanguard list.
Normally, that's what I'm supposed to do. It appears I missed Donna's
note, so I'm dropped the ball. Sorry, gang. My bad.
Martin also makes another good point: We can't always catch what's
posted every time we walk in, so maybe if all of us shot out a note to
the list in case the Board sec'y misses something, it would help us all.
Another key point (ATTENTION "LANDLORDS"): Make sure your renters get on
the email list.
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