Subject: Re: hot water?
From: Martin Ferrill (
Date: Tue Feb 16 2010 - 18:47:30 CST
Is anyone's water coming out very sporatic? For example: Very forceful and
then nothing?
Is this issue only effective on the 6th floor?
Let me know if anyone else is experiencing this?
On Tue, Feb 16, 2010 at 4:50 PM, Mathew Ajjarapu <>wrote:
> Did anyone notice that the hot water is coming out of the faucet murky, and
> vaguely brown? I've been running my faucets for a few seconds every half
> hour since 1 PM... and the hot water still looks murky/sandy at 5 PM.
> Strangely, the cold water is crystal clear... though I don't know if it's
> safe to drink.
> Any ideas?
> --- On Tue, 2/16/10, Jim Thomas <> wrote:
> From: Jim Thomas <>
> Subject: Re: hot water?
> To:
> Date: Tuesday, February 16, 2010, 12:24 PM
> On Tue, 16 Feb 2010, Atkins Martin wrote:
> > well how does one make sure that they are on the email list for these
> > "emails" because i recieved no email notification about this. I enter
> > through the rear of the building everyday and saw nothing posted on
> > the bulletin board. Who would i need to contact to make sure that i
> > receive vital information such as this because this comes as a major
> > inconvenience when you have no clue about them
> Martin raises a good question. If you're on the Vanguard email list
> (this one), then you should be receiving all notifications that any of
> us (residents, renters, the Board) sends out. But, I think First
> Properties sends it only to owners, not renters. We (the Board) tries to
> make sure that 1P posts like that are duplicated to this Vanguard list.
> Normally, that's what I'm supposed to do. It appears I missed Donna's
> note, so I'm dropped the ball. Sorry, gang. My bad.
> Martin also makes another good point: We can't always catch what's
> posted every time we walk in, so maybe if all of us shot out a note to
> the list in case the Board sec'y misses something, it would help us all.
> Another key point (ATTENTION "LANDLORDS"): Make sure your renters get on
> the email list.
> Jim
-- Martin A. Ferrill 312-823-6115
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