Re: Parking spaces: Reminder - only vehicles

Subject: Re: Parking spaces: Reminder - only vehicles
Date: Thu Mar 25 2010 - 16:29:57 CST

I agree w/ Kelly. While I don't leave my cart there all the time, I bring it down when I know I will be bringing a lot of stuff home from the store. It stays in my spot while I'm at the store then back up (full) to my unit. We have regs that specify certain things can't be stored on our balconies, why not amend this one to specify that collapsable carts of a certain size are ok? If it's spelled out exactly what's allowed, there should be no room for argument.

------Original Message------
From: Jim Thomas
Subject: Re: Parking spaces: Reminder - only vehicles
Sent: Mar 25, 2010 5:02 PM

We don't go around inspecting or hunting for things, but if somebody
brings it to our attention or we happen to see a violation of some
kind, we respond.

H-1 of the rules is explicit, stating that nothing can be stored in a
parking place, including folded grocery carts, boxes, paint, baby
carriages, kayaks, trailors, or anything else. It's an issue because
people have stored all sorts of things. We addressed this a while back,
so this is just a reminder.

Yes, it's possible to vote on it, but that vote have to be a vote
on a rules change. If there are rules that people want to change, they
can introduce it at a Board meeting, and then procedures specificied
both by law (ICPA) and the Vanguard bylaws kick in for passing it.

This is one rule that should, in my view, stay, because to open up
parking spaces to allow non-motor vehicles creates all sorts of


On Thu, 25 Mar 2010, Kelly Cacioppo wrote:

> Are folded grocery carts really an issue? if I keep the cart in my
>unit it doesn't really serve its purpose. Is this something we can
>vote on?

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