Subject: 2010 Annual Pet Registration, Bike Registration, and the Storage Room
From: Christian A Lattimer (
Date: Wed Apr 21 2010 - 10:56:46 CDT
There seems to be a lot of confusion every year about pet registration and bike registration. I figured it was time for my annual email to clear things up a bit.
Every year pet owners are required to register their pets (i.e. dogs) with the Condo Association and Property Management. There is a $50 per animal annual registration fee. Simply put, if you have a dog in your unit you need to fill out a 2010 pet registration form and submit $50 to the Vanguard Lofts Condominium Association.
A new pet registration form must be submitted each and every year. Prior pet registrations from past years do NOT carry forward into 2010. Every year we take a new inventory of all dogs in the building.
Here is what you need to do:
1. Fill out this form.
2. Submit the form to unit 301. (Slide it under the door)
I will process the registration form and return a confirmation code to each owner that registers a pet. This confirmation code is your proof that you have registered your pet for 2010. Once the registration period closed I will submit the complete list of registered pets to property management. First Properties will then bill each unit accordingly.
It's completely up to you on how you decide to pay. The $50 fee will be charged to your account once you register. You can pay via your monthly assessments, or you can submit a separate check to the Vanguard Lofts Condominium Association. (Do NOT give me any checks.) All payments must be submitted to First Properties for processing.
Why do we make you fill out a form every year?
There are multiple reasons. People move out. New people move in. Pets expire. People acquire new pets. People acquire additional pets. The simplest and most accurate way to track all dogs and bill accurately is to ensure we have a pet registration form each and every year.
What is the money used for?
The $50 fee is used to cover the cost of the dog excrement bags that are found next to the rear double doors. It helps cover the cost of ground maintenance fees. It helps us put flowers in the planters and fresh mulch around the trees. The money is also used to annual floor cleaning. We often have four-legged friends that are all too excited to visit the outdoors and never make it to the curb in time.
First off, bike registration is FREE. If you wish to use one of the bike hooks in the storage room on the first floor, your bike must be registered. Any bike that is not registered is subject to removal. Registering your bike allows us to connect the bike to a unit and ultimately an owner.
Once you are assigned a hook, you are required to use that hook. All bike registrations are posted on the east and west doors of the storage room. If you forget your hook number, simply look it up.
There are a limited number of bike hooks in the storage room. As bike hooks become available they will be assigned to those in need of a bike hook.
I just did an audit of the bikes in the storage room. We have six bikes without tags and no idea who owns the bikes. We need to get people to claim these bikes and register them ASAP.
Bikes in storage room with no registration tags:
- Red Trek 800
- Gold Trek 7.5FX Road Bike
- Bronze Jamis Tangier Road Bike
- Blue/White Fuji Track Bike
- Red Cannondale Ultra Mountain Bike
- Red Amstel Light Beach Cruiser
Bikes on Bike rack with no registration tags:
- Yellow Kustom Kruiser
- Red & Black BMX Bike
Misc items in storage room that will be trashed if not claimed:
- set of crutches
- red mustang gt kids car
- foam blocks
- metal file cabinet
- wood pieces
- car seats
- dirt devil sweeper
- plastic storage unit with drawers
Just a reminder... everything must be stored inside a locker. Any item found outside a locker will be trashed if it is not claimed and stored properly.
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