Those unpleasant reminders....

Subject: Those unpleasant reminders....
From: Jim Thomas (
Date: Thu Apr 22 2010 - 23:05:38 CDT

The unpleasant side of things:

1) Please refer to Chris's last note about:
    a) Bikes must be registered and hung on hooks. The bikes sitting
       loose on the storeroom must be registed and placed on hooks!!
       If not by Monday, they will be removed.

    b) Personal property MUST be stored in lockers. Things left outside
       the lockers must be removed and placed in lockers or in your
       unit. They cannot be kept outside the lockers. Anything left on
       Monday will be removed.

2) No dogs in the front lobby. No bikes, either.

3) Guest parking places are for guests. Residents CANNOT use them
as a spare parking place. Guests parking there for over 24 hours must
contact the Board.

4) Those bikes in the outside rack that have been there for six months
(one for over two years) must be removed. Now that spring is here,
people who use their bikes regularly (and have registered) would like
to use those spaces. We are exploring the costs of a second bike rack,
but that area is not a place to dump your bike and leave it for a year.

5) If you're new to the building and haven't registered your dog,
please register ASAP!

Thanks. That's about it....


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