Subject: Re: Garage door
Date: Sun Apr 25 2010 - 18:40:07 CDT
Thank you Kelly, I am aware that this channel is just for means for communication amongst tennants.... However that's exactly what my intent was to do. I actually did send a complaint over to first properties and it seems like if they did send a repair person out.... It seems as though they made have made it worse as opposed to helping.
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On Apr 25, 2010, at 2:25 PM, "Kelly Cacioppo " <> wrote:
All you have to do is call first properties to state a complaint or get repairs made- this is just an email list to point things out and ask questions. I did see 2 gentlemen working on the door last week, but it looks like Donna will have to send them back.
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-----Original Message-----
Date: Sun, 25 Apr 2010 19:20:57
To: <>
Subject: Garage door
I have sent several complaints in regard to the garage door that is in need of serious attention. I'm beginning to feel as though the situation will not be fixed until the inevitable happens. The sensor on the garage door does not stop the door from coming down and almost hit the roof of my truck when it started to come down as I passed under the door to enter the garage. I also witnessed it almost hit the top of the red mini coopers car as he entered the garage one day. The door comes all the way to the ground before going back up. As tennants what do we do now that the building has been notified and still we seem to get no response, neither has any attempt been made to fix the door. It seems as though lots of emphasis is put on things like "dog registration/bike registration" or cleaning out the storage closet, but when does does the board step up and argue on the residents behalf to make changes?
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