Subject: Caprpet Cleaning and Elevator Lobby Cleaning (fwd)
From: Jim Thomas (
Date: Thu Apr 29 2010 - 00:20:12 CDT
From Donna ----
---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Wed, 28 Apr 2010 16:23:10 -0500
From: Donna Lewicki-Wlezien <>
To: Donna Lewicki-Wlezien <>
Subject: Caprpet Cleaning and Elevator Lobby Cleaning
We have scheduled the subject cleaning as follows:
Tuesday, May 4th complete building carpet cleaning.
Friday, May 7th elevator lobby buffing and waxing
Note on Friday, May 7th, the passenger elevator will be shut down for a
short period of time so that floor can be buffed.
Donna Lewicki, CMCA
First Properties LLC.
760 N. Ogden Avenue
Chicago, IL 60642
312.829.8900 ext. 19
Facsimile 312.829.8950
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