Re: Contact

Subject: Re: Contact
From: Allison Prybylo (
Date: Mon May 03 2010 - 08:52:52 CDT

This morning was terrible as well. Is this problem just occurring on the 7th floor? Or are other floors having the same issue?
Sent via BlackBerry from T-Mobile

-----Original Message-----
From: Carly Gray <>
Date: Mon, 3 May 2010 13:44:22
To: <>
Subject: RE: Contact

I had zero water pressure as well.
 Carly S. Gray
 Insurance Representative, Property & Casualty
 Brewer Insurance Group, LLC <>
 312.363.9454 - mobile
 312.896.8264 - direct
 312.896.3930 or 800.971.2440 - general
 312.896.8276 - fax
 200 South Michigan Avenue, 21st Floor
 Chicago, IL 60604
 Brewer Investment Group, LLC
 Financial Services     Investment Advisors     Futures Group     Foreign Exchange     Insurance Group
 DISCLAIMER: Futures, options and Forex (off-exchange foreign currency futures and options, or "FX") trading involves substantial risk of loss and is not suitable for every investor. The valuation of futures, options and Forex may fluctuate, and, as a result, clients may lose more than their original investment. The impact of seasonal and geopolitical events is already factored into market prices. In no event should the content of this correspondence be construed as an express or implied promise, guarantee or implication by or from Brewer Futures Group, LLC, Brewer Investment Group, LLC, and/or its subsidiaries and affiliates that you will profit or that losses can or will be limited in any manner whatsoever. Past results are no indication of future performance. Information provided in this correspondence is intended solely for informational purposes and is obtained from sources believed to be reliable. Information is in no way guaranteed. No guarantee of any kind is implied !
  or possible where projections of future conditions are attempted. All securities are offered through Brewer Financial Services, LLC, member FINRA/SIPC.
 This electronic mail message and any attached files contain information intended solely for the party to whom it is addressed. If the reader of this email is not the intended recipient, you are hereby notified that it may contain information that is proprietary, privileged, confidential and/or exempt from disclosure under applicable law, and that any viewing, copying, disclosure or distribution of this information may be subject to legal restriction or sanction. If you have received this transmission in error, please immediately notify the sender at the email address above or by telephone, and delete all copies of it from your computer.
 -----Original Message-----
 From: [] On Behalf Of
 Sent: Sunday, May 02, 2010 1:12 PM
 Subject: Re: Contact
 Yes we left for work @ 9 and it was extremely low... I'm in 710 
 Sent from my iPhone
 On May 2, 2010, at 11:12 AM, "Kelly Cacioppo " <> wrote:
 I just contacted first properties but would like to know if anyone else experiencing really low water pressure in their unit- thank you!
 -Kelly # 708
 ------Original Message------
 From: Carly Gray
 Subject: Contact
 Sent: Apr 30, 2010 1:45 PM
 Who is our contact at First Properties, and what is there number? Thank you in advance Carly S. Gray Insurance Representative, Property & Casualty Brewer Insurance Group, LLC<>; <<> > 312.363.9454 - mobile 312.896.8264 - direct 312.896.3930 or 800.971.2440 - general 312.896.8276 - fax [cid:image001.jpg@01CAE86B.6D3B54B0] 200 South Michigan Avenue, 21st Floor Chicago, IL 60604 Brewer Investment Group, LLC<> Financial Services<>     Investment Advisors<>     Futures Group<>     Foreign Exchange<> Insurance Group<> DISCLAIMER: Futures, options and Forex (off-exchange foreign currency futures and options, or "FX") tra
ding involves
  substantial risk of los!
 s and is not suitable for every investor. The valuation of futures, options and Forex may fluctuate, and, as a result, clients may lose more than their original investment. The impact of seasonal and geopolitical events is already factored into market prices. In no event should the content of this correspondence be construed as an express or implied promise, guarantee or implication by or from Brewer Futures Group, LLC, Brewer Investment Group, LLC, and/or its subsidiaries and affiliates that you will profit or that losses can or will be limited in any manner whatsoever. Past results are no indication of future performance. Information provided in this correspondence is intended solely for informational purposes and is obtained from sources believed to be reliable. Information is in no way guaranteed. No guarantee of any kind is implied !  or possible where projections of future conditions are attempted. All securities are offered through Brewer
  Financial Services, LLC, mem!
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 Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry

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