RE: My brother is stuck in the elevator!!!!

Subject: RE: My brother is stuck in the elevator!!!!
From: Jim Thomas (
Date: Thu May 06 2010 - 12:00:30 CDT

Thanks for adding that, Allison, and a point well-taken. Although they
respond as quickly as they can, what's "quick" to them isn't exactly
what's "quick" to the person stuck.

An e-mail to the list after it happens is also a good idea so others
will know to avoid that elevator until it's fixed properly. It also
documents the problems for future reference.


On Thu, 6 May 2010, Allison Prybylo wrote:

> Yes very true! Also, my point was that the "EMERGENCY" or "HELP" button in the elevator does not connect you to 911 but rather the elevator company.

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