Subject: parking (and newspaper)
From: Mary Deskovich (
Date: Fri May 26 2000 - 09:07:07 CDT
I realize that assessments need to be paid on the
parking. My question is: Who has been receiving the
interest earned on the escrow amounts which have been
held for someone for all these months? This is not a
small sum of money. I know, my $15,000 has earned me
NOTHING in the past 8 months. Couldn't this interest
be applied as our two month reserve?
Also-the situation with the newspaper is getting
ridiculous. It used to be that my paper was only
missing once in awhile. For the past month it is gone
EVERY day if I leave in the morning before it is
delivered. The business paper belonging to an owner
is left on the window sill, so I don't think it's a
case of Greg throwing it away. If there is someone in
the building who cannot afford their own paper I will
be glad to share mine. They are welcome to it AFTER I
(who am paying for it) have finished with it.
Thanks to whomever planted the flowers around the
trees on Throop. It looks nice.
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