Vanguard Archives - October 2000 to December, 2003
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Starting: Wed May 10 2000 - 13:10:29 CDT
Ending: Tue Jan 06 2004 - 10:27:06 CST
- (no subject)
- 1st Properties
- 2 bike rack spaces available
- 2000 Taxes
- 2002 parking taxes --
- A "free" Stairmaster??
- another cut bike cable
- apology to Michael
- assessment increase
- assessments
- Back door
- back door, party
- Back double doors & Intercom
- Back elevator out
- Back entrance
- back entrance etc.
- bad locks?
- bad neighbors
- Bike stolen from storage room
- Board Meeting Minutes
- board meeting notice
- Board Vacancy
- building security
- Building security (or lack of it)
- Bulk pick-up
- burglary
- Butts
- cameras, rules, regs, updates, etc
- car break-ins
- Car breakin
- Carpet Cleaning
- carpets
- Channel 14
- Checking out furnaces???
- common area punch list
- Concert Ticktets
- connectivity
- cry me a yellow river!!!
- Curious about parking space taxes
- Day Timer & blue envelope with bill, checking book
- DDS recommendation
- Digital Satellite
- Direct TV
- Dish decision
- Dish Service
- dish TV
- dish vs. cable
- dish vs. cable]
- dish vs. Prime
- dish working?
- Dishnetwork
- Do we need rules?
- Dog jpgs revisited
- Dog urine in rear elevator
- Down for maintenance
- Dryer Exhaust
- Electricians and such
- Elevator
- elevator 10/7 3:30 pm
- Elevator not working
- elevator YEAH!!!
- Elevators
- elevators (plural)
- Elevators and parking gate
- Elevators, dogs, & rules
- elevators-AGAIN
- Elevators...
- Favorite restaurants?
- Frame
- Front Elevator
- Fwd: A "free" Stairmaster??
- Fwd: Security Code
- garage closings
- garage flood
- Garage openers
- garage problems
- garage security
- garage/lots
- garbage
- Garbage chutes
- good neighbors
- Great Christmas Party!
- Great party
- Grill Cover
- hallways
- High speed internet access
- Holiday Party
- how did he get into the garage?
- how-to for your taxes
- I sent this earlier today, and just recieved back. I addressed incorrectly
- In Need of Plumber Reference
- indoor parking space
- Inside front door Lock
- Intercom
- internet via dish
- Large files with jpgs
- lightbulbs
- Lobby Carpeting
- Lobby lights
- Lobby Mess
- looks nice...
- mail theft
- mail thief
- mailroom security
- main circuit breaker?
- Man sleeping in Truck
- meeting
- Misleading Information
- missing fed ex package
- Move Out
- needed equipment
- needed for evacuation plan
- Net connections?
- newsletter
- Newsletter volunteers?
- newspapers
- newspapers to our doors
- next newsletter
- notice posted yesterday
- notice re locks, etc
- oops
- open board position
- open board position (part 2)
- Our Unsteady Elevator
- Outside appearance and such
- owner, NOT board member
- Owners Meeting
- Parking
- parking (and newspaper)
- parking areas
- Parking delay...
- parking door/gates
- parking garage
- parking lot
- Parking lot and other things
- Parking Lot Door
- party contributions
- PARTY!!!
- Party......
- Phone problem....
- Phone Service
- pictures from party
- planter at entrance
- plants on 1st floor
- Property next to Gordon's
- Property Tax
- Property Tax Assessments
- question
- Real problems, or just communication breakdown?
- Rear adjacent parking lot
- rear doors
- rear doors/garage access
- Rear Elevator
- Rear Lot
- Recycling??
- redux to tax sale redux
- Refridge repair?
- Remote Lot Pedestrian Gate
- Replacement closet door mirror
- reporting problems
- rezmar's responsibilities?
- Rule regarding visitor parking stalls?
- Rules
- rules committee
- satellite dish
- satellite problem
- sconce
- Screens/window cleaning
- Security Code
- Security Codes
- Side gate
- sign up for party
- Slobbery escalates
- Snow job
- solutions
- sorry I started it
- Speaking of stolen papers....
- Special Assessments
- Specific Reply
- Still there..
- storage on balconies
- Storage Room Breakin
- Suggestion for papers
- T1 Line at VG
- tag? on 5th floor
- Tax assessment appeal
- Tax bill
- tax numbers
- tax sale
- tax sale redux
- Taxes
- taxes on parking
- The Chevy has been towed away
- the newest d---head
- The vanguard discussion list is back up
- The winner of: Van Guard trivia
- Things about Vanguard that are making me crazy...
- this is getting real old
- this morning
- Tonight at Ranolph's wine cellar? (fwd)
- towing
- Tuesday's Board Meeting
- Tuesday's meeting
- TV
- TV dish, dog mess
- Unit 414
- Upper paking deck
- urine in elevator
- Van Guard trivia
- Vanguard Lofts maintenance request
- Vanguard lofts.
- Various updates
- video cameras
- Vomit on the stair
- Washing Balconies
- Water Leakage
- Water problems
- we need a change
- Weds meeting?
- Where to Vote Tuesday
- where's my tax bill?
- X Marks the Spot!
- Yech!
- your mail
Last message date: Tue Jan 06 2004 - 10:27:06 CST
Archived on: Mon Jan 03 2005 - 22:27:42 CST
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: Mon Jan 03 2005 - 22:27:42 CST