Subject: Re: Vomit on the stair
From: Michael E. Rutkowski (
Date: Tue Jun 06 2000 - 08:56:26 CDT
It is Tuesday, 9am and I just received the repair request. I will dispatch
the janitor to address the issue.
Tom Cambell forwarded your previous exchanges regarding the vomit to me. To
address the issue of needing a repair request for such an mundane task, I
will say yes, the request is needed. Unfortunately, we have a limited
maintenance budget that does not permit a full time engineer. Because of
this, there is a schedule of what areas of the building are cleaned on what
day. The front stairwell is scheduled for Thurs. or Fri.
We seem to have an unusually dirty building, and I've made a request to the
Board to increase the maintenance will be addressed at the next
meeting. When George was cleaning the building, Rezmar had him scheduled
for 48 hours a week. Greg is working 20 hours a week at the bldg. While I
would like to see the building kept cleaner, I think Greg is doing an
acceptable job considering he is working less that half the hours.
Michael E. Rutkowski
First Properties, LLC
Real Estate Management
p: 773.935.5617
f: 773.935.9123
----- Original Message -----
From: "Jim Thomas" <>
To: <>
Sent: Monday, June 05, 2000 11:29 PM
Subject: Vomit on the stair
> Just wondering why what appears to be pet vomit that appeared Sunday
> in mid-day was still on the steps at 9 pm tonight (Monday). Any
> ideas why? It occured the first/second floor in the stairwell.
> Jim Thomas / 501
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