Re: Back entrance

Subject: Re: Back entrance
From: Michael E. Rutkowski (
Date: Thu Jul 06 2000 - 21:44:38 CDT

I agree, Barbara. Communication is key. I have tried to communicate
every bit of info from Rezmar I have rec'd on this discussion group. I
have been a couple days behind now and then, but the reality is I'm as
in the dark as the other owners. I am hesitant sometimes to communicate
the correspondence between Rezmar and myself because if I say "parking
spaces will close next week," which I've been told TWICE already, and
they don't close, the perception will be FIRST PROPERTIES is now
following in the same shoes as Rezmar. Am I being paranoid with this,
or do you see my dilema? Anyway, it can't be MUCH longer.

Barbara Thomas wrote:

> Michael,
> I appreciate the information regarding the cleaning and parking garage
> situation.
>> aside from
>> creating distaste amongst owners about their own homes, rants about the
>> parking issue will accomplish nothing.
> Perhaps if we had received this information earlier we wouldn't be so
> angry about the situation. Keeping the owners informed as to why
> things have or have not been done is really crucial. Remember that
> one of the reasons why everyone was so pissed off at Rezmar last year
> was because they witheld information from us or gave us misleading
> information.
> Thank you,
> Barbara

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