Re: Newspapers

Subject: Re: Newspapers
From: Michael E. Rutkowski (
Date: Thu Jul 20 2000 - 10:32:32 CDT

Ironically, all of this discussion is occurring while the phone line to the
intercom is out of order. Until Ameritech repairs, or the intercom company
can come up with a better idea, nothing can be done.

In spite of this temporary condition, the facts are this:

   - Board voted to let owners know the code to the OUTSIDE door.
   - The inside door code would be kept confidential..for security reasons.
   - Various vendors are given vendor-specific codes by the management
company. These are vendors that either perform work on a regular
basis in the building, or First
     Properties has an established relationship with.
   -The code will return to what it was prior to the intercom troubles as
soon as possible.
   - First Properties, was instructed not to give out the code via email, so
it would not be "floating around."
   - If you want the code, ask a neighbor or a board member, and it will be

Michael E. Rutkowski
(773) 935-5617

First Properties, LLC
Real Estate Management

----- Original Message -----
From: <>
To: <>; <>
Cc: <>; <>
Sent: Thursday, July 20, 2000 8:58 AM
Subject: Re: Newspapers

> I totally agree. We or rather I have had the code in the past.But it was
> always obtained via another resident. And I've always felt it was given
> in a hidden or covert manner. Residents and more importantly OWNERS
> should not have to feel this way. Also it was never discussed and/or
> said how the various vendors go about receiving same. Someone please
> answer!! I realize their are a lot of different agendas, but in all I am
> confident we all will (must!) find a way to live together in harmony.
> Addressing each other in a calm and professional must be of paramount
> importance.

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