RE: Security Code

Subject: RE: Security Code
From: daaron (
Date: Thu Jul 20 2000 - 17:17:23 CDT

"Carelessness of the Board Members?" Let's not use this discussion list to
take pot shots at people or make statements that just aren't true. The board
is working hard to resolve numerous problems. Each board member is FAIR and
HONEST. As I've stated before it takes awhile to solve problems and make
progress - many things are trial and error for new developments and new
associations. I've heard very few people compliment the improved appearance
of the lobby, the cleaned carpets, the window cleaning but there are a number
of people who are so quick to criticize. I don't know of ANY board member who
has the inside code. We voted that the board should NOT have the inside code
- only First Properties. I will make sure that the inside code is changed and
that only First Properties has it. I was not aware that anyone else had it.

I don't recall you attending ANY board meetings when these issues were
discussed nor do I recall your volunteering to help solve any problems. I
have little patience for people who take pot shots at others who are
volunteering their time and energy for the betterment of the building.

Debra Aaron

>===== Original Message From =====
> The issue of the security code appears to be a sore spot with most of the
residents in our building. For one, I don't like the idea that my wife and I
do not have the codes to enter our building. However, we do realize that there
are some
>irresponsible residents who gave the code to non-residents and feel that
having only the first door code is satisfactory. Still, those board members
that do have the code should NOT be using the code for the second door as
their means of entry into
>the building on a daily basis. If that code is to be keep confidential, NO
PERSON/BOARD MEMBER should be using it at all. I have personaly witnessed a
young child who lives in our building use the code for the second door to
enter our building as I
>stood directly behind him and could of easily watched him enter the numbers.
That is just one example of the carelessness of our board members. Remember,
they are the only ones who know the codes.
>Paul Sanchez

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