Subject: RE:
From: Marc O'Hare (
Date: Mon Jul 24 2000 - 10:06:07 CDT

Yes I agree with this. I noticed this weekend that the dog in unit 414 poops
on the balcony. I would assume that this is in violation of not only Chicago
law, but of our homeowners associations rules. I pity the owner of 314 that
must be on the receiving end of this. What can be done about this situation.

-----Original Message-----
From: []
Sent: Monday, July 24, 2000 5:39 AM

I mentioned the fact, to the Association Board and First Properties, weeks
ago, the homeowner of Unit 414 lets its dog "do his duty" on the balcony.
As you can see by pictures 1,2, & 3 taken on 7/22/00, this continues to be
a disturbing problem. Also the bird feeder seen in picture 4, which is on
the balcony of Unit 512, is making a mess for the units below. These issues
must be addressed with a high priority. Please help.

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