Re: Newsletter volunteers?

Subject: Re: Newsletter volunteers?
From: Michael E. Rutkowski (
Date: Tue Aug 01 2000 - 11:17:51 CDT


We will discuss specifics of my role with newsletter, but yes I am offer my
company's assistance.
Michael E. Rutkowski
(773) 935-5617

First Properties, LLC
Real Estate Management

----- Original Message -----
From: "Jim Thomas" <>
To: "Vanguard Discussion" <>
Sent: Tuesday, August 01, 2000 10:48 AM
Subject: Newsletter volunteers?

> At the last meeting there was some discussion of expanding the
> Vanguard newsletter from quarterly to a bit more often. First Properties
> currently does it quarterly, but if residents shared the labor we could
> put out more information about who we are, things we're doing, and other
> issues.
> I volunteered to assist, but I can't do it alone. It would be helpful if
> somebody could volunteer as editor/coordinator, and then 3 or 4 of us
> could put items together.
> If I heard him correctly, Michael said that he could help print it out
> once it was together (or maybe that was wishful hearing).
> jt

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