RE: rear doors/garage access

Subject: RE: rear doors/garage access
From: daaron (
Date: Thu Aug 03 2000 - 10:28:45 CDT

We realized this is a problem (created by Rezmar) and the board will be
working on a solution. Please email the board with any recommendations.

>===== Original Message From Mary Janowski <> =====
>We were told earlier this week that those who own spots in the underground
>garage will have no direct access to the rear doors unless we PAY for an
>additional remote to operate the gates leading to the driveway next to the
>building. I have written to management asking that they reconsider this
>decision for several reasons:
>When a delivery is made trucks have no easy way to get to the rear elevator.
>If we have large objects which would be easier transported in the rear
>elevator it is unreasonable to expect us to come in through the underground
>spots which necessitate using four doors and stairs.
>Getting bicycles in and out is easier through the rear doors and insures that
>we will not be banging into the first floor hallway and lobby walls.
>The rear doors are the only true handicapped access if we should ever need
>such an entrance.
>The spots next to the building are evidently going to be visitor's spots.
>will our visitors gain entrance to this lot if necessary.
>If those with dogs use the rear entrance and elevator especially when the
>weather is bad and the dogs are wet or dirty then the cleanliness of front
>lobby and elevator might be easier to maintain. They cannot be expected to
>use the back doors if they are not handy.
>We pay assessments which I assumed entitled us to access to all common
>elements (including the rear doors, driveway, and visitors parking spots.
>If you too feel this is unfair, perhaps you could also contact
>management/Board and ask them to reconsider.
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