Re: Parking Lot door

Subject: Re: Parking Lot door
From: Michael E. Rutkowski (
Date: Thu Aug 10 2000 - 07:54:14 CDT

Unfortuately, you will be carrying your opener around with you. The door in the
remote lot is a Ameritech door, as they have an easment on the property. We do
not have a key to that gate. wrote:

> Hi Michael:
> Do you or anyone else know about the door that opens into the remote parking
> lot? I'm assuming that is the way that most of us will be getting in/out of
> the lot (I don't envision carrying my door opener around with me!). I
> checked it today, and my building key doesn't seem to fit the lock. How are
> we going to open it?
> thanks
> Mary Beth Sterling

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