Subject: Fwd: RE: Digital Satellite
From: John Luedtke (
Date: Wed Aug 23 2000 - 12:52:05 CDT
John Luedtke <> wrote:
Date: Tue, 22 Aug 2000 07:22:12 -0700 (PDT)
From: John Luedtke
Subject: RE: Digital Satellite
To: "Lozano, Cynthia" ,
Absolutely. We have concerns about:
1. price protection - how do we make sure prices do
not skyrocket once a contract is signed?
2. repairs - how do we ensure any breakdowns are
fixed in a reasonable amount of time?
3. technology - how do we ensure that they will keep
up with advancements in technology?
4. channel selections - how do we ensure that the
channels people want will be available?
The basic question is - what is their incentive to do
any of this if we have signed a long term contract.
(By the way - they first wanted a 20 year committment
and we said no way.) We plan to address this with the
satellite company representative.
Thanks again,
John Luedtke
--- "Lozano, Cynthia" wrote:
> I think one question about the 10 year commitment is
> whether that will
> include upgrading materials?
> -----Original Message-----
> From: John Luedtke []
> Sent: Tuesday, August 22, 2000 9:06 AM
> To: Lozano, Cynthia; ''
> Cc:;
> Subject: Re: Digital Satellite
> Cynthia,
> I appreciate your concerns and want to clear up a
> few
> things. The board did feel some unease at making
> the
> decision alone, although per the declarations and
> bylaws and the condo act, this is the type of
> decision
> the board is empowered to make. This is why we
> asked
> for input from all owners. We want to make sure
> that
> these decisions reflect the wishes of the owners.
> First, those that do not have any type of cable
> service will not be impacted by this decision.
> Nobody
> will be required to have satellite television. The
> service simply replaces Prime Cable as our pay
> television provider. Anyone that does not want
> satellite t.v. does not have to sign up and does not
> have to pay a dime - just like Prime Cable now. The
> only difference is that the new service is CHEAPER
> than Prime Cable for those that choose to subscribe.
> Second, this is not a building amenity and has
> nothing
> to do with assessments. All costs to install,
> operate
> and maintain the satellite equipment are borne by
> the
> satellite company. Anyone who chooses to subscribe
> to
> the new service will be billed directly for the
> service - just like Prime Cable now. The
> association
> will pay nothing for the new service and will get a
> $2,000 security camera for the lobby for free.
> Assessments will NOT be impacted by this decision.
> Third, if there are other questions you think we
> should be asking the satellite provider, please let
> us
> know. There will be a representative at the next
> board meeting to answer our questions.
> Thanks for the input.
> John Luedtke
> --- "Lozano, Cynthia" wrote:
> > I don't think the board should be making a
> decision
> > like this without
> > consent from the owners. I don't think we have
> asked
> > all the questions
> > needed with this type of long term commitment. We
> > need to remember, all
> > owners have different ideas of what is important
> to
> > them and their units.
> > Some of us don't even consider having any form of
> > cable. This should not be
> > voted on by the board only.
> >
> > If we start upgrading all our amenities at once
> our
> > assessments will go up
> > faster then people think. We need to really
> consider
> > the financial effects
> > of every addition we make, long and short term.
> >
> > Cynthia M. Lozano, Sr. Closing Analyst
> > Heller Financial, Inc., Real Estate
> > 312.441.6194 (direct)
> > 312.928.8974 (fax)
> > E-mail:
> >
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