Re: Storage Room Breakin

Subject: Re: Storage Room Breakin
From: Belinda Leeney (
Date: Sat Sep 09 2000 - 16:38:59 CDT

Jim / All Board Members -

Maybe instead of taking such drastic measures that will (1) raise our
monthly assessments and (2) limit our freedom as owners to rent our
properties, we should probably concentrate on fixing the most obvious / less
expensive solution. The back double doors on the first floor have been
broken for an entire month or more. I know that I have personally made two
phone calls to First Properties to get this fixed, and I have also brought
this issue up on this discussion list last week.

I saw Ali in the building on Thursday, and he said that it was getting
fixed, however it is now Saturday and I was, again, able to enter our
building today without having to use my key. The door is closing better
than it used to be, so it is fairly evident that someone "tried" to fix it,
but it is obviously still a problem, hence a security issue.

So, board members, how do we fix this problem? What are we supposed to do
when First Properties are not handling our maintence requests very well?

Belinda Leeney

p.s. The generalization of owner vs. non-owner is incorrect. The only
people that I have seen be disrespectful or inconsiderate are owners.

>From: Jim Thomas <>
>To: Vanguard Discussion <>
>Subject: Re: Storage Room Breakin
>Date: Fri, 8 Sep 2000 16:06:01 -0500 (CDT)
>Maybe it's time for the board/the rest of us to consider:
>1) evening security personnel
>2) video surveillance in the parking area & lobby areas
>3) An all-owner, no renter policy.
>Jim Thomas / Department of Sociology / Northern Illinois University

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