Subject: notice posted yesterday
From: Mary Janowski (
Date: Tue Sep 26 2000 - 08:58:55 CDT
Re the notice posted by management 9/25
1. Thanks for clarification on the garbage chute. I was not aware that the
chute made turns on its way down. While I was not stupid enough to send down
pots, pans, etc. I was operating under the earlier instructions that said "If
you can't break it down, take it down" and was sending stuff that fit in the
opening but might not have been able to make the turn. Perhaps a can on each
floor for larger items would help because we are all basically lazy.
2. Why is the association paying ANYTHING for garage door repairs? Except
for the two times the door was hit, repairs should be covered by guarantee.
The doors have been in operation for only two months. The developer should be
responsible for the first year's maintenance just as they were for other
items. My understanding, from a couple of conversations both John and I have
had with the repair people, is that the "up limit" on the door was not set
properly and therefore indicating that the door was not all the way up when it
really was. Then when the switch was hit again, the door "thought" it was
supposed to raise instead of lower and then got stuck. This is not operator's
fault, but the fault of the installer.
3. I'm glad the meeting is in the building this month. Maybe more people
will be able to attend at least part of the meeting. Unfortunately, the owner
of the elevator pissing dog will probably not be there, although even if
he/she does show up I doubt anything said will affect him/her. See you there!
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