Re: Elevator

Subject: Re: Elevator
From: Debra J. Aaron (
Date: Mon Oct 23 2000 - 13:09:17 CDT

I think these are great ideas, thanks for working on it. I am at a loss as
how to prevent these accidents from happening when no one is witness to
them. If I see someone doing something they shouldn't I do speak to them
about it but I have yet to see a dog peeing in the building.

----- Original Message -----
From: Jim Thomas <>
To: Vanguard Discussion <>
Sent: Monday, October 23, 2000 1:07 PM
Subject: Re: Elevator

> > RE: ElevatorWhat is it the Board should do? Follow dogs around with
plastic cups or sponsor an etiquette class on Wednesday nights?
> Michael, I don't think anybody was swiping at the Board. It's doing a
> super job. The frustrations here are directed at the miscreants who
> repeat the behavior.
> >From talking with board members and attending meetings, the board has
> been considering non-invasive, non-punitive responses. But, peer pressure
> hasn't worked. What's next? Bob suggest more drastic action:
> 1) A rule prohibiting the behavior. Yeh, it sounds silly, but it's
> symbolic and might come in useful at some point
> 2) A rule limiting all free-standing pets to the back elevator
> 3) A leash rule
> 4) A "must tag" rule (to supplment the registration policy)
> More drastically, video surveillance in a few key areas, not only
> for security, but to identify the folk who seem to confuse Vanguard
> Lofts with their frat house basement.
> jt

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