Re: Elevator

Subject: Re: Elevator
From: Michael E. Rutkowski (
Date: Mon Oct 23 2000 - 15:39:08 CDT


This issue is being addressed by the Board. The Board takes on the issues and makes decisions. I, as the building manager, then follow Board direction. At the last meeting, a Rules and Regulations committee was formed, and they are preparing a set of Vanguard Lofts Rules and Regulations. One of the issues to be addressed is the dog issue.

The by laws of Vanguard Lofts only permit for a rule or reg. to be adopted at an owners' meeting, not just a board meeting. There will me an owners' meeting next month, and that is when a the issue can be (and I'm told, will be) visited.

Thank you for your ideas and support.
Michael E. Rutkowski
773.935.5617 x11
First Properties, LLC
Real Estate Management

  ----- Original Message -----
  From: Belinda Leeney
  Sent: Monday, October 23, 2000 1:50 PM
  Subject: Re: Elevator

  I agree with Michael; we should definitely offer solutions to the problem.
  However, keep in mind that this is also a forum to recognize problems. Not
  always will there be a solution.

  There are five viable solutions to this problem:
  1. No dogs.
  2. No dogs allowed in elevators. Dogs must use the back staircase.
  3. No dogs allowed in elevators. Dogs can use any staircase.
  3. Dogs only allowed in rear elevator.
  4. Do nothing.

  Out of those five choices (and, by all means, if anyone thinks of another
  solution, please share with the group), I would opt for the 2nd choice.
  That seems pretty fair to me.

  Michael, how would you like to deal with this? Collect solutions and take
  some type of vote, either through email or at the next board meeting? I'm
  not sure how this type of thing is handled, but I think it should definitely
  be addressed at the next board meeting.

  Belinda Leeney

>From: "Michael E. Rutkowski" <>
>To: "Kimberly J Winston" <>,
><>, <>
>Subject: Re: Elevator
>Date: Mon, 23 Oct 2000 12:49:20 -0500
>RE: ElevatorWhat is it the Board should do? Follow dogs around with
>plastic cups or sponsor an etiquette class on Wednesday nights?
>One owner commented on restricting pets to rear elevator/stairs. Thank you
>for taking the time to offer a solution, instead of just rebuking your
>neighbors that have volunteered to serve on the Board.
>Let's use this discussion to group to offer suggestions/solutions to the
>Board regarding issues in the building, and not just use it a forum to
>point fingers and say "do something!"
>Michael E. Rutkowski
>773.935.5617 x11
>First Properties, LLC
>Real Estate Management
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: Kimberly J Winston
> To: '' ;
> Sent: Monday, October 23, 2000 9:42 AM
> Subject: RE: Elevator
> I agree. I'm a dog lover, but the pee in the elevator is now just
>outrageous. The board has to address this situation and soon. We've all
>paid a lot of money for our places. To ask to ride the elevator free of
>dog urine is NOT a lot to request. I saw it late Saturday night in the
>same place as before.
> Kimberly J Winston
> 708.209.2416
> -----Original Message-----
> From: []
> Sent: Monday, October 23, 2000 9:36 AM
> To:
> Subject: Elevator
> So how many times are we going to deal with the dog peeing in the
> before we decide to take action against it? It is completely repulsing,
> and, frankly, I'm tired of dealing with it. Can we not instill a policy
> where dog owners must take the stairs or only allow them to use one of
> two elevators? What do you all think?
> Belinda Leeney
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