Re: Elevator

Subject: Re: Elevator
From: Jim Thomas (
Date: Tue Oct 24 2000 - 15:22:13 CDT

On Tue, 24 Oct 2000 wrote:

> I completely agree that the situation with urine in the elevator is
> completely unacceptable. As a responsible dog owner I am concerned about the
> suggestion that this should be a dog free building.

Paul, usually when such a restriction is passed, there's a "grandfather"
clause that exempts people who, in this case, already have dogs.
Besides, I think most folk would find it cruel to force owners to get rid
of pets they may have had for years. But, should we consider limiting
(future) ownership to dogs of a certain size? To one dog per unit
(rather than multiple large dogs)?

> We seem to be focusing
> our disappointment at the dogs when it is clearly the irresponsible dog
> owners we should be upset at.

To escalate this just a bit, dogs sometimes have accidents. If the owner
of the offending dog(s) would come back and clean it up, or fess up and
pay for damages, or even have the ethical courage to concede the problem
and work with the rest of us to deal with it, I don't think there would
be this rage.


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