Re: Direct TV

Subject: Re: Direct TV
From: Michael E. Rutkowski (
Date: Wed Jan 17 2001 - 15:53:53 CST

DISH has completed the building wide part of the installation and is now setting appointments for 7th & 6th floor residents for the install (Those that already signed up).

According to Rod Glenn, if you live on the 6th & 7th floor, you will be hooked up by next week. DISH will work their way down, and all should be completed within 2 weeks.

The only confirmation I can offer of the above statement is the receivers for the 6th & 7th floor units were delivered last week and have been numbered with the individual units on them.
Michael E. Rutkowski
773.935.5617 x11
First Properties, LLC
Real Estate Management

  ----- Original Message -----
  From: Kimberly J Winston
  To: ''
  Sent: Wednesday, January 17, 2001 2:01 PM
  Subject: Direct TV

  Does anyone know when we can expect to have satellite television available. I know the weather has played a part, but now it has been reasonable for some time. I've also tried calling Mr.. LeFever direct, but have yet to receive a return call. Thanks.
  Kimberly J Winston

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